גיא קלנר

מנהיגות ערכית עם ניסיון.

It’s Time to VOTE for Local Issues Ramat Hasharon comprises generational residents, new residents, and Olim. As Mayor, it is important for me to recognize and give a voice to all of you. We want everyone to understand the importance of the Mayoral and Municipal elections coming up in our beloved city, Ramat Hasharon, and that it’s your time to VOTE on February 27, 2024. My name is Guy Kelner, and I’m standing for Mayor. At the age of 50, and with over 15 years of experience as a member of the city council, as well as being CEO of some of Israel’s largest media companies, and leading the liberal demonstration in Ramat HaSharon, I believe I have the experience and dedication to lead Ramat Hasharon in this crucial position. If elected, I will continue my commitment to improving our local environment, ensuring responsible and collaborative city growth, promoting educational excellence, and taking all necessary measures to guarantee our streets are safe, secure, and clean. My track record in the city council included:
  • Responsible Growth: Leading a consistent and dignified voice in the struggle for balanced and responsible urban renewal; fighting against the national plan to double the city's population without adequate infrastructure; collaborating with neighboring municipalities to protect the public and the environment; reducing construction plans with destructive consequences.
  • Our Environment: Implementation of establishing the outdoor areas joint administration; taking an active part in every environmental struggle throughout recent years; leading the construction of the ecological Park in Neve Gan; saving the Amal Forest; preserving nature in Glilot; fighting to reduce flight paths over the city and to avoid damage to Hadarim stream passing through Morasha.
  • Sports and Education: As the holder of the sports portfolio in the city, I ensured the expansion of the budget and activities. I worked to add more sports departments (with an emphasis on sports for women) and to upgrade the sports and leisure facilities in the city, alongside the installation of new facilities. Thanks to these actions, the percentage of residents engaged in sports in Ramat HaSharon is the highest in the country!
I want everyone to feel part of the community and want to hear from everyone, no matter if you are new or old to the area. I welcome everyone, including English speakers and any Olim, to personally get in touch with me, and I will be happy to take questions and chat about all aspects of the city and issues that are of concern to you. Phone/WhatsApp: 054-4400603. Guy Kelner stands out as a leader for Ramat Hasharon’s Mayor, championing liberal ideals and is committed to creating an inclusive and thriving community, bringing together municipality leadership and business. Guy Kelner offers a unique blend of skills to address the city's challenges effectively. He does not have a criminal record and has already demonstrated integrity and commitment to ethical leadership. Based on surveys, Guy Kelner is the only candidate with the ability to beat Rochberger in the 2nd round!

**Leading Candidates Comparison – Background and Integrity**

Criminal Record Business Community Municipality
Guy Kalner
Itzik Rochberger
Keren Maximov Brandes
Gail Shoresh

Join us in supporting Guy Kelner for Ramat Ha'Sharon Mayor! Together, we can build a brighter future for our city. Vote for progress, vote for Guy Kelner.